Tea and baklava

I never cease to be floored by my mom's talent in the kitchen. She uses a combination of creativity and culinary experience to make incredible food from an endless variety of cuisines; there are always so many new and interesting dishes to sample. I love being her sous-chef for this reason; it's always an amazing learning experience, and I get to experiment with ingredients and spices that M and I don't have in our own tiny maritime kitchen. It also gives me the chance to step back and work on documenting part of the cooking process, which is infinitely helpful when trying to re-create dishes that use tricky techniques. The baklava we made this afternoon is a perfect example of this. Baklava comes in countless forms, and the version that we made was a combination of a number of recipes patched together by my mother. One of the keys to success is rendering the butter, or melting it until the milk solids just begin to separate from the fat (similar ...