As we get busier with work, and the winter weather makes remaining indoors more and more appealing, M and I have gotten infinitely better at meal planning and shopping for the week. The initial input of energy that comes with deciding what to eat ahead of time is more than compensated for by how economical the whole outing ends up being. Buying the week's groceries, and planning meals around them, also gives you the liberty to experiment in the kitchen and to cook recipes that require small amounts of ingredients with particular flavors. Enter dill. Dill isn't an herb that M or I have ever cooked much with. Its strong, sharp, bright flavor gives it limited versatility, and the sheer size of the bunches sold at the grocery store mean that we always, always , end up wasting more than we'd like to admit. Tonight's delightful main attractions, which put to good use the oodles of dill we had left in the fridge, were made extra-economical by the u...