
Showing posts from January, 2015

Wally for days

Thinking back on the last 7 months with the Wallander,  I'm always struck by just how much being dog owners has changed our lives. Morning routines, evening activities, even work hours (to some extent) are shifted to include the little furball, all modifications made willingly, with much love. Wally has transformed the way in which we live our Atlantic lives, in the best possible way. We are not crazy-obsessive dog parents; however, one thing that we are particularly careful about is what we feed the monster. There is so much variability in the nutritional value of puppy food available, which can make finding an affordable, high-quality brand a challenge.   The same issue exists for treats, and the brands that sell the good stuff charge premium for their products.  So, when my mom sent me this recipe for home made dog biscuits I jumped at the chance to give them a try. Wickedly easy, this recipe yields enough biscuits to last over a month, even when rewarded ge