Friday night with a bottle of wine

First of all, my apologies for the slow updates - classes and lab work are starting to pile up and home time = bedtime these days. However, I did take some time off on Friday night to hang out with M - we proceeded to very quickly finish a bottle of wine (which happens too often) and consume a delicious meal while watching a classic of modern cinema, Jaws (featuring the ever-sexy Richard Dreyfuss). What was the meal, you ask? I'll give you a few hints
1) requires 9 ingredients (5 main, the rest accessory)
2) consists of one dish
3) take 15 minutes (max) to prepare
4) is delicious.
Give up? It's quiche! One of the easiest dishes you can make, and almost never goes wrong (provided you follow a few key steps and don't make a squishe). Here's recipe for Friday night's glorious dinner.

Spinach and mushroom quiche

1 pie shell (I use the frozen ones kind)
1 packet of fresh spinach (16 oz)
1 package of pre-sliced cremini mushrooms (for ease) - otherwise, about 10 mushrooms of your choice, sliced
1/4 cup light feta or other cheese (I'd imagine that aged cheddar would be tasty)
1/2 small red onion, minced
2 tsp of oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 eggs
2 tsp milk
hot pepper flakes (optional), to taste
about 1 tsp salt
freshly ground pepper, to taste

1.  Preheat over to 375C
2. Heat oil in a large skillet and add minced garlic and onion. Cook for 1 minute
3. Add mushrooms and saute for about 5 minutes, or until mushrooms are almost done
4. Add the entire package of mushroom (don't worry, they wilt pretty quickly!). 
5. Saute for an additional 5 minutes, or until mushrooms are cooked through and spinach is wilted
6. Transfer to a colander and, with a class, drain ALL of the water out of the vegetables (trust me, this is 7 key step). Make sure to get rid of all the water out. Oh, and did I mention, drain all of the water?
8. In a large bowl, beat eggs with milk, and add hot pepper flakes, salt and pepper
9. Add the vegetables to egg mixture, and mix well, and add cheese
10. With a fork, poke holes in the pie crust - this ensure that the crust doesn't boil up and you aren't left with an eggtastic disaster
11. Pour egg mixture into pie crust
12. Bake for 40-50 minutes, or until inserted fork comes out clean
13. Consume while watching sharks

If you're feeling healthier, you can omit the cheese. Conversely, you can indulge and add pancetta or pieces of bacon. If you really want to go all out, slice some brie and, after 35 minutes, remove quiche from the oven and place brie on top, then bake for an additional 15 minutes. Trust me, it's good.

Acknowledgements: M, for opening the wine and beating the eggs, and for moral support.

Quiche success


  1. I also poked the holes in the crust. :P

  2. mmm your quiche is delish :)
    Cook for me again ;)

  3. I'm definitely making this tomorrow night! Won't be as tasty as yours but I'll try my best ;)


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