There's always soup for you

Montreal in the fall is a lovely place to be. The weather is perfect - cool enough that the temperature is perfect for sleeping, but not cool enough for down comforters in the middle of September. The morning air is crisp and bracing without being chilly, and for a long time, the rain retains a hint of warmth, a wistful reminder of a fleeting but beautiful summer. This past weekend and week have been idyllic -  a light work load interspersed with conferences, and luxurious staycation have made it almost seem like an Indian summer. But Monday always comes, and this particular Monday was accompanied by a wicked sore throat, cough and general malaise.
So, what's the remedy for tiredness, weekend withdrawal and grad school blues? Soup, of course!
I have always put soup recipes on the back burner (pun intended). For me, they've been an accompaniment, and being a self-professed carb aficionado, I have to be in a particular mood to appreciate them. Of course, there are exceptions, but generally I shy away. Today, however, was not one of those days. Having made myself a healthy eating pact (which I intend to will keep), I looked for something sore-throat friendly, filling and balanced, and that would make use of seasonal vegetables. Lofty aspirations? Pffft...
I stumbled upon this recipe while combing the web for something good for dinner, and it caught my eye due to its resemblance to one of my favorite (heavy) soups, sweet potato and sausage soup. I modified the recipe heavily, as I found that the flavours lacked a bit of complexity and the original did not have enough vegetables and protein for it it be a meal in itself. The addition of chilli powder, though optional, is highly recommended - the chilli powder brings out some of the more subtle flavours in the curry powder, such as the cumin, and adds a nice depth to the soup. It was a bit of work, and altogether took about 1 hour (including cutting and cleanup) but the meal was most definitely worth it.

Curried sweet potato and cauliflower soup with spinach and red kidney beans
Adapted heavily from 'From the Kitchen Table'

- 3 1/2 cups of sweet potato, diced (about 2 medium sweet potatoes)
- 1 cup onion, diced (about 1 medium onion)
- 2 cups cauliflower, chopped
- 4 cups of chicken or vegetable broth
- 2 tsp garlic, crushed
- 2 tsp oil
- 1 tsp hot curry powder
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 10 oz package of fresh spinach, rinsed
- 1 can (14 fl oz) red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
Salt, pepper and chilli powder to taste
Sour cream to garnish (optional but delicious)

1. Heat oil in a large saucepan.
2. Add garlic and onion and cook until softened (about 5 minutes)
3. Add curry powder, cinnamon, stock, cauliflower and sweet potato, and 1/8 tsp each salt and pepper (you can adjust the taste later). Bring to a boil, then cover, lower the heat and allow to simmer for 25 minutes, or until potatoes have softened.
4. Transfer to a food processor and blend until creamy and smooth. Return to saucepan and thin with a bit of water if desired. Alternatively, you can add the remaining ingredients as below, and thing just before serving.
5. Add drained red kidney beans and fresh spinach, and heat soup to almost a simmer. 
6. Cover, and allow spinach to wild (about 10 minutes). Adjust salt and pepper to taste and, if using, add chilli powder.
7. Garnish with a dallop of sour cream and serve with a slice of toast, crackers, and reruns of Dexter.

Soothed throat? Check.



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